
The Catalyst monorepo

Primary contents

The main GitHub repository for Catalyst (opens in a new tab) is a monorepo (opens in a new tab) with multiple codebases, including but not limited to the following:

The monorepo and the CLI

The Catalyst CLI (opens in a new tab) installs just the Next.js application from apps/core onto your computer when you create a new Catalyst storefront.

If you are interested solely in building a headless storefront based on Catalyst, most of this monorepo is not relevant to you.

Start from the monorepo if you wish to contribute to Catalyst itself or create a fork to package and re-distribute it.

Contributing to the monorepo

See CONTRIBUTING.md (opens in a new tab).

Getting started from the monorepo


  • Node.js 20+
  • Corepack-managed pnpm


  1. Clone the project to your local environment:
git clone git@github.com:bigcommerce/catalyst.git && cd catalyst
  1. Use corepack to enable pnpm, then use pnpm to install project dependencies:
corepack enable pnpm && pnpm install
  1. Set up environment variables by running:
cp .env.example .env.local

You can find documentation for each field in the .env.local file, described in .env.example (opens in a new tab).

  1. If you use VS Code, use the following command to configure VSCode with the project-specific settings the Catalyst team has created:
cp .vscode/settings.example.json .vscode/settings.json
  1. Start the Catalyst development server!
pnpm run dev

The dev script runs all packages and apps in watch mode.

The following table lists localhost URLs with the default ports. When a port is unavailable, Catalyst uses the next available port. For example, if 3000 is in use, core will run on 3001.

ProcessURL with port
Catalyst storefronthttp://localhost:3000
Component reference in Storybookhttp://localhost:6006


We use Playwright to test our components and verify workflows on the UI. To learn more, see the official website documentation (opens in a new tab).

To run the UI tests locally:

  1. Set up the environment variable required to point the tests to either a hosted or local Catalyst instance.
PLAYWRIGHT_TEST_BASE_URL='https://catalyst-demo.site' || 'http://localhost:3000'
  1. Navigate to the test directory:
cd packages/functional
  1. Run all UI tests in Chromium:
npx playwright test tests/ui/* --ui --project=tests-chromium
  1. Run a specific test in Chromium:
npx playwright test tests/ui/core/components/Checkbox.spec.ts --ui --project=tests-chromium